Become A Dealer


Nearly 100 years ago, a young man with an entrepreneurial spirit and a better idea began manufacturing lanterns in Wichita, Kansas. His name was W.C. Coleman and the company he founded would change life in America. An an international leader in the innovation of outdoor products, Coleman helps people have fun and make memories by providing the gear integral to their favorite outdoor experiences.

Same-Day Drop Shipping

Starting with one of our most popular shipping specials -- almost any size order for a flat fee of just $9.95 -- CWR offers a wide array of providers and service levels, helping you meet delivery requirements and minimize costs.

Upload Orders

Placing orders has never been easier. At CWR, you can upload a file with multiple orders, or place the file in our FTP server. We also offer a complete list of online tools for Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) and Extensible Markup Language (XML). Seamless, integrated, simple.

Become a CWR dealer and get:

  • Wholesale pricing from over 300 brands
  • No minimum order
  • Flat rate shipping as low as $9.95
  • Free FTP and website integration